Letter to Samuel P. Crafts, November 19, 1820

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Washington Nov 19 1820Dear Samuel,

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I have the satisfaction to inform you that I arrived at this place on the evening of Saturday the 11th ? without any material accident, & in good health. In our passage from Albany, at which place I wrote to you, to New York, the Steam boat got aground and detained us about six hours, which brought us at New York too late for any to the South on that day - But as we have met with no further embarrassment in , we arrived here in season - The weather was unpleasant through the whole journey, and on the 11th, it snowed all day so that the ground was covered with snow when I arrived at this place. I have since learned that the snow storm was very extensive - it fell 6 or 8 inches at New York, and much deeper thro Connecticut & Massachusetts, so that there has been good by sleigh from Boston to New Haven & perhaps to New York. I expect to hear that Vermont has received her full share.

You will learn by the papers which I send you that we [have had] considerable difficulty in electing a Speaker, in the place of of Mr Clay, who is not here, but has sent in his resignation - having spent two whole days in ineffectual trials, and not being able, on the third day, until after several trials - This difficulty did not arise from the want of qualifications in several of the candidates, but from a Northern & Southern jealousy of each other, which has its origin in the slave question, which

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so much agitated Congress at the last session, and which will probably consume considerable of the time of the present session.

The constitution of Missouri is before us, and they have chosen their senators and representative, who are here waiting to be admitted to their seats - This constitution has not only admitted slavery and prevented the Legislature from ever freeing them, but it has gone farther than any of the Slave states have gone - it has prohibited free negroes and even from residing in that ?. There are very serious objections to the constitution - and I am rather of opinion that Missouri will not be admitted until she new models her constitution - This, confess, is conjecture, for I have not yet learned the opinion of the members generally on that subject - I had written thus far when the Northern Mail for this day arrived, which brought me your letter of the [    ] & one from your Mama of the 8th, by which I have the satisfaction to learn that both you & the family are well - I find by the to your letter that the great snow storm, I have mentioned, reached Burlington, & very probably has extended all over New England - I think however as it has fell so early in the fall, it may probably go off and admit of a few weeks of pleasant weather before winter sets in in earnest. I would like to know before hand at what time you expect to return home, as I shall furnish with the Intelligences while you remain at Burlington - for your amusement - I send them home regularly as usual, where you can continue to read them after [    ] return there. In my next I will forward you a few dollars\ [     ] your expenses to Craftsbury - where, as well as at Burlington, I wish you would write often, & be particular in mentioning the occurrences which shall take place, & particularly some account of the weather -

Mr SC Crafts

I am very affectionately yours etc.Sam C Crafts

