Letter to Samuel P. Crafts, December 20, 1820

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Washington Dec. 20th 1820Dear Samuel,

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I forward to your care several printed documents which I wish to be preserved - Some of them you will find interesting, and useful to read. There are among them several Memorials & [         ] in favor of the establishment of a system of domestic manufactures, and many memorials against congress interfering in that subject. On this subject congress is very much divided, and it is probable that nothing will be done at present.

As I send you the Intelligence, three in a week, you will be able to obtain a pretty correct account of the proceedings of congress, and in the order in which they take place - much more particular than I could give you in a letter. I therefore refer you to the papers & documents I shall send you -

I must enjoin it upon you to write every week & inform me the state of the family, and whatever [should] take place in the which may be interesting. I am pleased to learn that James Puddach has recovered his health so as to be able to attend to business. I wish you would call on Dr Scott & get of him the number of inhabitants in each town in the country and send it to me in your next letter - I want only the footing of each town without regard to age or sex - I presume he has the several towns before this -

My love to your Mama & Mary - I have written to your Mama & will write to Mary next week Yours AffectionatelyS C Crafts

