Letter to Mary N. Collamer, December 11, 1859

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Washington City Dec.11. 1859Mary,

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I wrote your mother last Sunday evening but, have not yet recd. any line from home. I shall expect one soon.

It rained here every day after my arrival until Thursday night. On Thursday, between showers, I found time to call & pay my respects to the President. I have recd. & answered the cards of most of the Cabinet members.

On Wednesday evening Mr. Dixon of Con. invited the Repub. Members of the Senate to meet the Connecticut Delegation at his house & it made just a pleasant little party. It being stormy I rode with three other gentlemen & in front of Treasury the coach axle broke off & prostrated us in the mud. No one hurt.

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Debate in the Senate goes on as to John Browns foray & Northern complicity in it.

Much angry speech making & occasional voting for speaker goes on in the House. The Galleries of the House are constantly filled. Ladies in great numbers come there in the morning & remain all day & until night, day after day.

This house is slowly filling up with ladies, so that the number has now become quite respectable. I know a few of them; members ladies

I have been today to hear Dr. Garley. He was very interesting to me & seems to me to have really improved. His Congregation meets in the Baptist Church in 10th street, which his church is building.

Mr. Foot, Morrill, Wetter, & Rice are all at Judge Chipmans& all expecting their wives about the first of Jan.

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I trust & hope that in your best deliberation & if in enjoyment of health, your mother & yourself & Frances may make up the resolution to visit me this winter. I think you will find this house better than when you were here but as to the female society I cannot so well . Tell your mother I have sent some more money to the Bank so that she can call for what she wants & I will send more whenever wanted.

I am much urged to make a speech on the John Brown matter, but I think I shall not at present.

Love to your mother & you allAffectionately Your Father

Monday morning I just recd. your mothers letter of 10th inst. with much pleasure. Mrs. Carter has raised her price & none

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of the old mess have gone back there, except Judge McLam. Though it is thought Willard has increased price, I have not found it so in my case. I have a large room well suitable for $17 per week, which is less than I paid him two years ago. Mr. Foot pays at Chipmans for two rooms & board for two $34 per week & I can have two good rooms & board for favor at $55 to $60. That is, at same price we paid before. The truth is that good rooms, fit for ladies to occupy & good board cannot be now had for less than two dollars per day each in any first class boarding house. Very nice rooms can be obtained in separate houses & board taken at adjacent Hotel for less money. But this is inconvenient for ladies & I will have no such arrangement for my family. There are some members do so with their wives at this house. J. C.

