Letter to Mary N. Collamer, January 30, 1849

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Washington City Jan 30. 1849Mary,

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It is now Tuesday evening and I have recd. no letter from home for some time past and I did not write last Sunday mainly on that account. We have had no mails from the north since last Saturday owing, as I understand to the impassable conditions of the Susquehanna River at House de Grass, being blocked up with ice.

All here is going on very quietly and very little show. The east room has been opened but one evening this winter. Our boarding house is very quiet also. The lady of Dr. Pine, Mrs. Rockwell of Connecticut to our but Mrs. Nichol of New York is expected tomorrow. Some rooms are taken for the visitors who are coming to the inauguration of Gen. Taylor. Here I cannot but remark that I was annoyed this morning by seeing in the Intelligencer of this day a long list of names of Managers for the Inauguration

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Ball my own name. Now although it is here perfectly well understood that such appointments are made without the presence, knowledge or consent of the persons named yet I could not but think, what will the good people of Vermont and my good Christian friends think of this. It is really wrong & annoying to have such things done.

I recd. a letter last week from Mr Moon from Montreal, where he is attending the Provincial Parliament. He says Hannah came home from St. Albans a few days after Mary came there and he expresses a wish to carry them to Montreal for a few days this winter.

As much anxiety is felt and as much doubt and uncertainty prevails here as to who is to constitute Gen. Taylors Cabinet as there did at the commencement of the Session. The California fever is prevalent and the fear of cholera subsiding. We face now but one month left of the Session and I shall be happy to see it close & return home. My health is as good as usual and if it continues I shall stay & see Gen. Taylor inaugurated President March 5th & then return as quick as possible.

So now with love to you & our children I must good night.

Your Affectionate HusbandJ. Collamer

