Letter to Mary Collamer, January 24, 1847

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Washington City Jan 24. 1847Mary,

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I wrote William three days since and have no recent news to communicate. Geo Phelps is still here and cannot tell when he can go. He is here endeavoring to get a law passed in relation to the copper lands on Lake Superior in which he is interested but Congress is so engrossed with the war that it is very difficult to get anything else done or attended to.

The session is more than half expended &very little done but the house has resolved to meet now at eleven o clock and they will sit until four but at my present boarding house I go out to dine at two o clock & return in 20 or 30 minutes.

I have been to see Judge Phelps at his quarters to day, as he is sick. I found him quite unwell and the doctor with him but I see nothing alarming in his care and preference he will be out again in a day or two.

Mrs Foot has not yet come on from New York

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I like my quiet quarters quite well and have made very few calls or visits this winter. I am at home alone in my room every evening and read generally until about twelve o clock. I sleep better to make long evenings and my health is quite comfortable most of the time.

My letter is quite too much occupied with myself.

There is exhibiting in the rotunda of the capitol a very beautiful scene from the book of Ruth. It is Ruth cleaving to Naomi. (Ruth Chap 1. 14 to 18.) The background are camels and men prepared for a journey. In front is Naomi a very fine commanding Jewish matron of motherly and aspects and with an arm around her such is Ruth, of Singular beauty and amiable countenance. Near them and departing is the other daughter in law, leading a little boy and looking back, with regret. The figures are the size of life and the whole seems to me as of great exaltation. This with the painting of the landing of Columbus, of which I have written home, is all I have seen new in Washington this winter. Our man Mr. Whitney of machine shop village Woodstock and our man from Washington in Orange County are all the persons from Vermont that I have seen this winter and the is passing off

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quietly and without incident, except the constant din and excitement in Congress in relation to the war and its incident subjects. We are now in expectation that the administration to raise a and direct public attention from themselves will now open a fierce attack on Gen. Taylor for not having already conquered all Mexico & in this Gen. Scott will probably be included. Mexico will not be so easily conquered as they expected and the war seems but begun.

I have nearly resolved to attend the next drawing room or at the Presidents to see if I can notice anything with which to garnish a letter home for I know not how else to make one interesting.

By the way I wish you would say to William that I have recd. from Burlington another letter pressing on me to address the next commencement & marking a definition and I want he should say (sincerely) whether I had better undertake it.

I regret to learn by your mothers letter, which I shall soon answer, that Mrs. Wright is so much unwell. Tell your mother to present to Mrs. W. my respects and kind regard and to my good parson too may I be remembered. With love to you all.

I remain Your FatherJ. Collamer

