Maria Horner to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher, 1854 August 20

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Richford Aug 20 1854Remembered Brother and Sister

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In compliance with your kind wish as well as to gratify my own inclinations I take my pen to address a line to you. Various circumstances have obliged me to defer writing I commenced writing three weeks ago to night but not haveing time to complete it I thought their would be no danger in postponeing it untill the next Sabbath when the Sabbath came I found myself unable to write. I was sick a few days with the summer complaint had the doctor: had you been here you you would of smiled to of seen how intent Mrs Green was I think she is a she is a delightful person is not [afraid] of work Mr Green is as affable at home as he is from home.

It makes it rather hard for me a haveing so much care, I do not know whether I shall stay here thisnext winter or not

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Have a variety of preaching here Elder Bryant preaches one fourth of the time advent one fourth methodist one half Mr and Mrs Green belong to the baptist.

I was glad to hear that the people in your vicinity have come to the conclusion that it was best for them to strive and enter in at the strait gate while the lamp holds out to burn. I often wish I could enjoy going to prayer meetings with the people in W_.. as I cannot I must content myself with the thought that they will remember me at the throne of grace. It is a blessed thought to me to think that while I am absent from friends they remember me while they pray. Andrew will [you] pray for me. Ruth do not fail to let me know when the general meting is write soon. all of the news I cannot write for they talk to me all of the time.

Maria R. Horner


Mr Andrew FletcherWatervilleVermontRichford VtAug 22

