P.H. Pettengill to Andrew Fletcher, 1845 July 30

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Dear Brother

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I do with the greatest pleasure this opportunity to write to one who has been made particularly dear to me as a friend and in Christ by a long and happy [acquaintin] and am happy that I have got to inform you that I choose the Religion of Christ with all the trials and afflictions attending a holy life in prefference to a life of Riches and popularity without it. Dear Brothe I have thought much of you and your and the happy seasons I have with you not [only] around your fire side by in the of God I verry often think mornings O how glad I should be to day to meet with my brother in Waterville but Ah, my lot is cast at present of miles from you but Bless the good Lord I have his presents with me I am and believeing you injoying the smiles of the same Heavenly parent I do most sincearly request an interest in your most fervent prayers that I may be enabled to keep my boddy in subjection lest after all my happy seasons with the Children of God and after I hav preached unto others I myself Should be come a castaway I never saw atime in the world when it required the exertion of evry [nerve] in the Lion of god as at present You know nothing about it in the to what we do in the City But I trust in God and hope for deleverence

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My health is as good as usual at present when I keep out of the sun the hot weather has a Powerful affect upon me we have had some extreme warm this season it is sickly in the City some perhaps day evry day are [dryving] in to Eternity this after noon I expect to attend a funeral at Elan Coles his youngest Child is died with hooping Cough please give my Respects to all your famaly tell sister Fletcher I hope I shall again hav th privilege of seting around her table in Waterville but if not I hop we shall have the privilege of siting around Fathers table in Heavn tell Br Watkins to liv humble and get reddy for the Comeing of the Lord I intend to write him soon and Brother [Hartsfor] I expect if the will of God be so I shall go gack to Vermont next fall probably Some time in the month of September I hav no chearing news of to Send you it is a general low time all about her Our religion is gaining [groung] and infidelity is increaseing give my most sincere Respects to all th Brethre and Sisters and evry body else

Farewell From your most Sincear Friend and unworth BrotheP.H. PettengillLowell July 30th 1845


Mr Andrew FletcherWatervilleVt

