Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher, [1888 May 12?]

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Wednesday nightDear Katie

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Yours is just received and I cant just answer you for papa will not be home to night, he and Mr Kinsley are on the road machine to work some-where near the Manchesters on the road leading from Johnson to Waterville but being in Cambridge----when he went away this morning he expected Mr Chase would come after the black hog as he had partly bought him

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and if he did he said for me to send you some money but he has not come, may in a few days, papa worked for Gould yesterday but he has not paid him, the town have had some $35 worth of lumber and they have not paid but it will all come before many days and then we shall remember you Ida's brother took supper with us to night I have all the chores to do as pete is gone, his father came after him the day we went to the Park I expect the Rev Mr Tenney to stay over the sabbath with us he called here last eve- he is very nice and one of the Proff college friends

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Carrie & Rhett are getting ready for the concert next sunday Rhett has a little piece to speak.

I did not think to answer all of your questions in my last the suit Mackie had put over untill next term What do you do for every day hat for yours is at home Oh I shall be thankfull when your school is out the children are all snorring and I must go to bed or I shant get my chores all done in time for school in the morning

good nightMama

