Tom [Guild] to Katherine Fletcher, 1888 May 5

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Coventry Vt.May 5-'88.Dear Katie.-

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I will now try and answer your jolly good letter.

The "taffy" you spoke up was clear fact true sure. Suppose you have been to church to-day like a good little girl and listened? to what the eloquent divine said and really could not

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tell if any of the other girls had on a new spring hat or not.

I have been not at church to-day but a number of the boys came up here about eight A.M. and we went out of sight of the road and engaged in a game of ball. You see the morals of this part of the country are quite dipraved. Wonder what a certain young girl (B[   ]) would say if she only knew of it.

Most likely she would say "Go way you sinner."

Rats. Rats. Rats. Rats.

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Well the old times at Johnson are all over and wont be repeated. but Katie I would like to see you and have one more of our long talks.

Just think how awfully tantalizing you were to the dear Freddy Ober.

I can almost see how you two looked that first night we four went up to low falls. You and Fred were sitting on the rocks when Bess and I came up from down below to go home and so contentedly!

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I could see the "All broke up expression" on Fred's face as plain as day. But no doubt you saw it as clearly as I did and enjoyed it more Oh how cruel you girls are! You are a born flirt Katie and you did do that up in big style.

By-the-way! what has become of the boy any way? he doesn't write to me any-more. I hear from our mutual friend Miss Ervins once in a while. She is not going to Johnson in June.

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So you won't have a chance to kiss her soft cheek and tell her how much you love? her.

We have been having a real "Wild west" time up here for the past two weeks The lumber companies are running logs on the river and employ about seventy-five men and each company fights the other. Last week they used their guns quite freely and had a big old time generally.

Am sure I am sorry Miss Galusia thought so

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bad of me- for I certainly did not give her away to Campbell or anyone else that I remember of. all I knew about it any way was what came from certain church members of Johnson and I wasn't the only one that it was told to either.

I did believe what was said at the time but before school closed I came to the conclusion that even church-members told fibs some-times and I think that if all the girls were as good as Julia they would not be a very bad crowd Isn't that so now?

That is a big joke

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that [Rollis] is playing on Miss Ervins I should say.

Dear girl it is too bad to trifle with her affections in such a way. Just think what will be her feelings when she finds that she is being trifled with. O dear what a wicked world this is any way. I have worked so hard since I came home that I am quite a good deal heavier than when I came home.

Guess I shall take your advice and not teach school not a present at least

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I have begun going to the [J.C.G.T. again,]

Of course I meant what I wrote about seeing you before June and wish I could.

You remember you promised to give me the history of Blanchies troubles.

O dear it is a hard life isn't it, that is sometimes.

Shall look for a letter from you soon

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P.S. Please excuse the many mistakes. Bess has been making fun of my spelling lately. Write soon, yours Tom

