[Jennie Perry] to Katherine Fletcher, 1888 May 5

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South Hero, Vt.May 5-"88Katie my dear----

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Do not think because I have delayed so long in answering your welcome letter that I have forgotten you. No, nor shall I ever. But I am in school, and you know that means time all occupied.

I am teaching about a mile from home. I have twenty three pupils from five to thirteen years old.

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I enjoy my school and think it fun to teach if I had all the objects and every thing I wanted to teach with. But, oh, I do get so tired. Did you learn to teach sitting down while at J_? I did not and the consequence is, I am on my feet all day, which makes it hard indeed.

Where are you teaching I should like to step in and hear and see you.

I have had the class letter. It was all good and you can "[reson]" I enjoy reading it. I had a letter from Lulu Thursday

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night. It does me good to get her letters. She writes just as if she was talking.

By the way I hear that "Joe" has been down to see you and stayed over Sunday. now, kate how could you? If you [            ] down [there] you may get your wepons ready and I will appoint a day for our meeting--

The last I heard from Bess she was wondering why you did not write to her. Now you are each one wanting for the other so I think you had better send her a letter.

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The ice is all out of the lake and steamers are running. Come down and I will take you out boating. Oh, Kate. Here is some thing for you Lucy Leland wrote me that she heard that Hill & Odell (by mistake) Ober kissed their girls good bye at parting last term and wanted to know if any one else did. But you know She went farther than any one else so there was no one to give him away what ever he did. It was all honey for us. but I had a good laugh at your expense.

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Now dearest, I did not laught at you said to me at the station that last day that is something you made up all by yourself.

Indeed I was pleased to hear it Katie and was sorry to hear that you regretted what you said.

I could not say any thing to you that day or any one else I felt so badly. I have many times regretted giving way to my feeling as I did. I should have looked on the sunny side, and trusted God for the rest.

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I have been writing to May belle to day and must scribble a few yarns to Lucia A.

so shall have to stop this clatter.

You wanted that song of the "Normal Girls" as I received it from towo sorces [     ] I can afford to send you a copy.

It is sung to the tune of "Good by my lover good bye"

Write me soon.

With very much loveJen_
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Oh, the Normal girls are beyond compair
And the Normal girls are many & fair

But the Normal boys are few & scarce
There is not one in the whole "A" class

And finer still are the boys who dair
To wait on the girls so nice & fair

For they do not dare to run the risk
Of getting the mitten instead of yes

But here at your bidding girls
we stand
The boys of the Johnson Serenade band

We are really glad that you have come
We will furnish you [inmusic] & see you home


But one of our number has a Bride
He can't be expected to leave her side

But the rest of us are [      ] boys
Its leap year girls so take your choice.

