A.J. Hamm to Katherine Fletcher, 1887 July 25

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STANDARD SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS AND BIBLES.A.J. HAMM Manager.Leighton's Corners, N.H.,July 25 1887Miss Katie E. Fletcher.Dear Madam

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Your esteemed favor at hand and carefully noted.

Thanks for your prompt reply. I shall surely be at Hyde Park July 28 and shall expect to see you then and have no doubt we shall make satisfactory arrangements for work.

We are now paying many of our agents who have lately began work from $75,00 to [$150,00] per month.

We believe the same chance is ahead of you. If convenient please meet me at 4 P.M. but if it is impossible come at any time most convenient only dont fail to come for I dont want to miss of seeing you.

Trusting to see you soon.

Sincerely and truly.A.J. Hamm

