Julie Carbee to Katherine Fletcher, 1887 July 20

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ST. LEON SPRINGS, QUE.July 20; 1887.My dear Katie:-

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I will write you as I agreed but realize that I have neglected it a long while, but hope you will be pleased to hear from me. I had an uneventful journey home but splendid luck. met a friend in St Johnsbury and went home with her and waited till the mail train in the evening. did not get my trunk for about a week after I got home but realy and truly I

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did not get caught smugling but passed the customs all right. found papa some better than when they wrote he improved right along for some time is able to be around and over all his business I have been down to St. Leon several day and like quite well. There is a lady telegraph operator here we have great times we room together. I have in my [case] to sell books and pictures and other [suvineres]. I have just ordered some confectionery.

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Kate have you rec'd that photo. of Mr. Tracy's yet? I have not I have not heard one word from Johnson since I left and you must write me every thing that occured about the exibition graduating exercises and all. I can think of you now in school looking as dignified as you please snaping at the children I know that you are enjoying your self.

O Kate are you going to Vasser next

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winter? Kate you must excuse my dainty note paper, and writing I have a head ache. I would like very much to see you and talk with you for I never was much of a hand to chat on paper. Kate I had a letter sent me to Johnson and I have never recieved it do you not think it strange I would like to know the mystery. for I think there is one

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Well how did you get on with baby Welch after I left? The way it is done here the young chap come to stay a bout two weeks and then leave I just get so I can have a good time with them when they up and leave. I shall [           ] to partings before I get through here. Write me very soon! please.

Yours lovinglyJulie CarbeeSt. Leon SpringsSt. Leon House. Que

