Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher, 1886 December 12

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Sunday, Dec. 12.'86Dear Katie

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If you cant get my letters untill Monday, I thought I would not write untill to day. Carrie has gone to Sabbath school. I was quite well satisfied with your last marking in Algebra. My foot is nearly well again. Rhett is not very well he is very nearvous I have taken him out of school You need not be alarmed in the least for the Dr and we think he will get over it the same as Carrie did now keep cool for if

Here there is a smudge in the ink and the author adds the following remark.

Rays mark he is worse I will let you know dont come home nor do any thing differant from your plans for he will be all right soon. Carrie Carroll told Carrie at sabbath school to day to write you to be

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sure and come home Friday night to attend the templar's Oyster supper and be prepared to speak one of your old pieces, now I have told you and do as you think best Rhett sits by me writting on the slate and keeps asking how to spell and how to make 10 & 11 so I can hardly write besides his taking medicine I put him in a warm bath every day after being in the water I rub his spine with a piece of ice, we shall do every thing to cure him he is dreadfully good but it is lots of work to keep him amused and find things to play with you see I commenced this at noon but finish this evening


