Katherine Fletcher to Henrietta and Andrew Craig Fletcher, 1886 September 24

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Johnson, Vermont.Sept. 24, 1886.Dear Papa and Mamma:-

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If ever we made a mistake in this world it was by having my board here. I am utterly disgusted with it all, and have held in, and kept the worst to myself as long as I can. I never got into such a place and hope never to again. In the first place, firstly, I don't get enough to feed a grasshopper on two days she don't wash

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for my bed when she should do it, and only 1 towel a week. and now she positively says she never will furnish one cent for wood. I may go or stay. I have tried and said all there is any use of, trying to arrange it some way, so that I should not be to all the expense; but to no avail. She try's to influence the girls against me and every thing that is down right mean. And are you going to throw away $40. for just this? I have all ready burned out 1 gal. of kerosene and have got to get some more soon.

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I have already told her I should not stand it and I shall not even if I have to come home. I have suffered with the cold this last week and how can any body study sitting up here every night shivering with the cold? and to go into other girls boarding places and see the difference it makes me blue. I certainly believe my place is talk among some of the school girls.

She talks & does, as she does proberly thinking that I can't get in anywhere else & will stand it, and if we have got to furnish all of the term coal, & oil, I

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don't see why I couldnt go some where else where I could be descently treated have oil & wood, & good company, furnished. I think Mrs. Tracy wan'ts two more but do not know as I could get in there. think I could & if you will let me change write by next mail, & send $6 and I will stay until Mon. night and then get Bradley to carry my trunk some where else. I shall not say any more but if you care any thing about me you wont let me stay here

Write soon.K.

