Katherine Fletcher to Henrietta Fletcher, 1886 September 16

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Johnson, Vermont.Sept. 16, 1886.Dear Mamma:-

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I suppose you will want to see either myself, or a letter by Friday night, so will write. I have been thinking about coming home all week, and have come to the conclusion that I had better not, that is, if I can stay away. I have to study a good many hours now during the day, and have a good lot of work laid out for Sat. which I know I would not get done if I went home. and another

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thing I know I should not feel one bit better by Monday morning. I have a recitation now, each morning at 8.30 a.m. the Morning Exercises not coming until 9.20 so if I should come back on the train I would be obliged to miss that, and a zero would be registered against me, which I cannot afford.

You need not worry about my starving, for I guess she has found me out to be a different chicken from that, & one she can't scare. for we have certainly lived better this week as she got some meat & we have had some vegetables. which seemed like a change from last week. She is the queer-

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est person I ever saw, sometimes I dont believe she knows anything. I had to say a good deal before I got her to put a stand & rocking chair in my room, but have now got them both now. She says she don't think I will need a stove until it gets to be quite late, but even now it is quite cold in the evening. She is going to put a coal stove up, and I think it will be better if it wont cost much more. She will board me for $1.50 a week the weeks I come home. (You know there was one thing you spoke of my taking back with me when I came home I can get along without them I guess. Aunt Ella

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has offered to do my washings, for nothing, if I want her to but I shall not let her. I have not been to bed only 3 nights since I have been here before half-past ten, but could not help it. I have paid for my Physiology and have spent all except .15[cent symbol] enough to get home with and if you write Sat. and can, I wish you would send me another dollar for I have got to pay my Reading Room due which is .25[cent symbol] by another week, & I am in want of a note book. I would send you a bill of what I have paid out if I thought you wanted it. I dont know how I can get C's. book to her. until I come home, it is getting about train time & cant have time to write to Carrie. will next time. shall go down to the office for a letter from you Sat. Excuse haste & unfinished sentences

With LoveKate

