George B. Smith to Henrietta Fletcher, 1886 April 14

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Burke N.Y.April 14th 86Dear Sister

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Yours of recent date is at hand and in reply would say that I cannot find any tenant that would think for a moment of paying $18.00 pr year for the use of the old house. There was a man here yesterday who would pay you one dollar pr month for the use of the house & two rods square of garden. When I rented the house I did not charge any one more that 60 cts pr month and thought this all it was worth. There can no one live in it during the winter atupon any consideration if they in any way value their lives. this is out of the question. If you conclude to take this offer I think the man would move here & work by the day and I would see that you have the rental without any trouble Please let me know at once

Yours EtcG.B. Smith

