Blanch Ervins to Katherine Fletcher, 1886 March 11

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Johnson Vermont.March 11th 1886.Dear Friend Katie-:

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Your ever welcome letter received and I am ashamed to think that I have been so negligent. We, I will say I, Have not enjoyed myself so well this term as I did last. We were invited down to Mr. C-- one Friday evening but it stormed so was post-poned until Saturday. Almost all of the A's and B's were there

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and quite a number of boys. But there being such a small number of D's we were invited again with our friends. We marched David with Miss Beeman etc. If you want to know his where abouts just inquire of her. but never let her know that I ever hinted any such a thing. I told her I was going to write you and then I told her I would not but I haven't told any tales have I? (only hinted). Miss Sullivan Margie is back her again so we have twelve in our B. Class. The two Perham girls are here also a Miss Kenfield McLenathan Miss Hendrix etc. I wish many times that I was at

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home but hope to survive and not always be troubling my simple and weak brain with. "I wonder if I shall pass." I think the trials and temptations of school life are many but we are compelled to endure them in some form I suppose until we die. Professor hasn't given any doorstep lectures yet but has a good many side lectures. I haven't had the good fortune to be lectured yet but it will come sooner or later I expect. He is taking the A. Class to sleigh drives down the river this week. I am not a learned and wise A yet and never expect to be. I do not know of any news

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only that Woodward went home with Carrie Fuller once. Bradley and [Carbee] Goodsell and Dillingham Pattersen and Thompson those are old flames you know. There are some new girls that are quite cute. I have exhausted my mental capacity and will close it doesn't take much to exhaust it for there isn't much of it.

Yours LovinglyBlanch Ervins

