Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher, [between 1885 and 1887]

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Monday 3 o clockDear Katie

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According to promise I will write you this afternoon" papa arrived home about half past eight last night, Joel has done nothing yet and hardly think he will, Mr Melendy told him this morning he could do what he pleased he should bail (him)(Papa) this rather took him back for he thought Horace would not Powers thought Page would not do anything so it is all right

My foot is the same as yesterday Carrie is on the lounge asleep she has not set up any to day has got a bad cold and a bad sore throat but am in hopes she will feel better in the morning May is staying at home all day to day I guess I shall keep her all day this week dont borrow any trouble about anything for if anything happens I will let you know

Your Aff Mamma

