Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher, [between 1885 and 1887] [October 7]

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Wednesday nightDear Katie

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I guess you will think it is a long time since I wrote you so I will write a few words while Carrie is washing the supper dishes and the boys are at the barn I have been very busy this week making sweet Pickels drying corn and cleaning the chambers finished your room this afternoon have got them all cleaned as far as Carles. The Burlington quartette club consisting of Chas Cornnell, Hopkins and Misses Castle & Simpson gave a concert here last night we all attended they had our Organ and

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gave us tickets it was very good but a small audiance Carrie has had her tooth drawn she also has got a new Jersey Cap. Brown.'50 cts she is much engaged with her school especially spelling she has 5 headmarks I will get you some mittens when you need them for I have got so much to do I shall buy them The Institute is to be held at Johnson next week will school keep

good nightMamma

