Katherine Fletcher to Henrietta Fletcher, 1885 June 11

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Johnson, Vt.June 11, 1'85.Dear Mamma:-

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Mrs. Freeman said if you came up to Aunt Dells' Saturday she would like a tub of sugar about thirty lbs. I want you to sure and come for I am a going down there, The scholars are to have a picnic but I am not peticular about it & am not going.

Doane came home this noon & there has been more fuss

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made over it than is necessary I think, for since noon there has been as many as twenty-five different ones been up past our door & into his room, it has been hurly, burly, all day. I don't believe I ever saw a man put on so many airs.

Isa Hazen is coming home Tuesday n't. you make Will get that croquet set if he is ever agoing to, also a place to set it up.

You must come up Sat.

Must close,K.

(If you do not come I shall be disapointed)

