Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher, 1885 June 1

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June 1,st 1885.Dear Katie,

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I've just finished reading yours written last night and will answer for fear you may scold worse than you did before; have been trying washing without boiling__ Will send some butter; you did not say how you print suited or if you had got it

I dont know what it all means you know I told you how closly Ada M_ kept at home report says her trunk was carried to the depot last night and she and her mother left on the 5 oclock train this morning where they have gone I do not know I guess she is a ruined girl and has gone for that purpose

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(you know what)

The schollars that left school all went back this morning Jerod came in to night and got his scrap book--

None but Will went to the decoration I went a fishing with the children but "nary a fish did we get

Good night Katie me darlingMama

It is only a little time untill friday

