Lucy Smith to Henrietta Fletcher, undated

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Burke,Thursday morningDear Sister

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I write a few lines to let you know that we think mother a little better though she is still very sick You perhaps knew when she was with you that she was failing the disease in her arms has gone over her chest lungs and we think has extended into her bowels partially The Dr says her heart is bad at one time dropsy threatened but that has passed by and left the valves partially now__contracting they gather the blood and open all at once instead of slowly The circulation is bad owing to this and a disease of the smaller blood

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vessels. She was threatened with inflamation of bowels but that is passed away It has taken a week to move her bowels naturally and reduce bloating Two weeks tomorrow since I commenced feeding her with a spoon I state the facts so you may draw the conclusions and I wish to say that I think (also the Dr) the worst is over unless something new sets in She may not be very strong again but get well enough to be comfortable. I do not wish you to be alarmed for if any [          ] change takes place I will (or B advise you immediately

Yours with loveLucy

