Catherine Smith to [Henrietta Fletcher], no year May 20

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May 20Dear daughter

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yours of the 14 is rec I am very much grieved to learn you are in trouble but hope a way may be opened so you may be benifited I often think it would be better for you to sell the place you are on and get a lot and the begining of a small house and build a little at time as you see fit by so doing you could save something for yourself buisness men consider the outlook for better times very dubious so prices for all kinds of produce

the money you want I will try and get for you I have no money by me

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I will try and get it for you if I am able to go to town it would be of no use to ask B for money he has a payment to make of [50 or 60] dollars on the chapman lot this fall he expected to sell his hops last fall but they are in the hop house they are worth about 8 or 10 cents per lb

Han Burke died at Clinton Mills of heart disease a few weeks ago my hands are very bad with little prospect of ever being any better

have you rec the box I sent last week was it right

much loveMother

if you have got the money let me know

