[Katherine Fletcher?] to Carl Smith, 1883 April 29

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Jeffersonville, Vt.Apr., 29, 1883.My Dear Carlie,-

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I have been thinking to day what you told me when you was here that when you got home you would write to me if I would write back to you, but I guess my dear has forgotten it.

How do you all do? we are all well now, but Carrie has not been well untill lately she has had the St. Vitices Dance, but is all right now.

The boys and girls around here, are trying to see who can

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get the most advertiseing cards and I thought that you could most likely get a good many where you live so when you write to me send some of the different kinds that you get; and if you and Mattie are saveing cards Carrie and I will send you some.

We received a box from grandma S. day before yesterday and there was a bed spred and blanket for ma. two pairs of stockings for Rhett and a for him that was about all. My hand trembles so that I cannot write good at all.

