Catherine Smith to Henrietta and Andrew Craig Fletcher, 1880 June 2

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Sanjose CJune [2] 1880My dear children

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thinking you would like to know of my where abouts and a little pertaining to our trip over Mountains plains and deaserts I cannot convey even a faint idea of the wonders on this small sheet In Ohio & Ill winter Ry and Wheat stood as high as the fences we passed over the bridge the next morning after leaving home where the Ashtabula disaster ocured Iow is the most beautiful of any of the states I passed through a rolling prarie Corn and Wheat meet your eye on every side we stopt in Council over night to make preperations for a ride [4] days and [4] nights without

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changing cars we unstrapt our blankets and made our beads for we needed rest the sleepers on the U.P. is very nice we saw large herds of cattle grazing on the Platt valley this morning preperation is being made for a pull up the rocky mountains 3 of the largest engines were required for the journey we reached the summit sunday morning it snowed all day Monday afternoon we ran into a warmer climet in crossing the plains we saw but few Indians and Antelope we have not seen a stream of clear water since we left the Misouri we passed blue river green river rightly named by the looks of the water when we reached the sink of the

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humbolt and the Alkalye deasert most of the pasingers had nosebleed I had headache 2 or 3 hours after that felt better Wednesday morning about 2, o,clock we entered the 40 mile snow shed we knew we crossing the series by the cold the snow is very deep along the line of the road we went round cape horn about 10 O clock in the morning it was a magnificent sight but one misstep would plunge us into a fathomless abyss below we passed several mining towns which is said to pay very well we stopt in Sacramento city over night Friday arived in San Jose found Marilla and children well except george has whooping cough Edward took a hard cold in in sacramento city

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which makes him about sick I do think S Jose must be unhealthy the middle of the day is very warm nights and morning very cold every one complains of hard cold, before leaving home I received a letter from Hattie but did not have time to answere it I will beg to be excused will try to do better in the future hoping to hear from her soon I cannot tell how I like the Cal I can tell better when I see more of the country I am well except cold I want you to write on receipt of this remember me to all friends

Much love to children and grandchildrenMother Smith

