George B. Smith to Henrietta and Andrew Craig Fletcher, 1879 March 17

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Monday Afternoon M'ch 17th 79Dear Bro & Sister

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Yesterday between the hours of 12 & 21 oclock Mother had the tumor removed from her back and is doing well as could be expected it had of late been somewhat painful owing to its constant growth and it proved to be a large sack containing near a teacup full of matter coloured some with blood and of a curdled appearance

Drs Skinner & Bates performed the opperation and administered chloriform. Aunt Lucretia & Uncle Sam'l, Lucy & myself were the only ones present

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Bates is coming tomorrow to dress it and thinks he will have it all healed by the expiration of six days. We are having something of a snow storm from the East this P.M.

Lucy desires me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter also one from Katie. Will keep you informed relative to mothers condition. She has just finished dinner and has a good appetitite

Yours TrulyG.B. Smith

Dr Bates has just dressed mothers back and says it is doing well.


Tuesday afternoon Aunt Lucretia is with us.

