George B. Smith to Andrew Craig Fletcher, [1873?] May 24

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Malone N.Y.May 24thBro Craig

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I have sold all but 8 Tubs of the last shipment of Sugar and these remaining will hang I guess for they are rather brown But will come out on them all whole if possible How much money if any shall I pay to Edward send me order to pay the amount You may desire so I may know what to do. I have been waiting to hear from you and expected to get a letter to day but did not. I think I've all the sugar that I can handle this season as it is late most all supplied

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Tell Fred Carpenter I cant do any thing with the Butter Tubs this season as It was to late when I got home and nearly all the merchants were supplied The friends are all well Ed & wife have been here to day Mother & I will go to Brandon tomorrow to see Uncle Ezekiel he cannot live but a fue days Please write on receipt of this as I wait to hear from you Friends all well

Yours TrulyG.B. Smith