George B. Smith to [Andrew Craig Fletcher?], no year March 17

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MaloneMarch 17thDear Bro

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Your letter of recent date is at hand and in reply to the stears they have grown finely and are in excelent condition very good beaf and had no extra fead only good hay. The off one is a little larger than the near one having longer leggs and little longer body but the smaller one is master regardless of all these and I think will be as heavy & as large as his mate when he gets his growth. The smaller one is the first calf of a three year old heiffer and doubtless will not get his growth

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as soon as the larger one. They girt (4 ft 8 in) & (4 ft 10) and to the best of my judgment will dress 900 or 950 the two But uncle Sam thinks they will go 1000 and perhaps they would with little good fead. Now I will let you have them for $75 delivered on the cars at Burke and even at this price I know it is not as well as I could do to fead them. It is a pity to Kill them for they are quick motioned and very smart & active will make some one a good team About the pay if you conclude to take them, any arrangement you can make with will be satisfactory to myself as I sell them to meet my payment due the 1st of Apr I do not care to dispose of

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the cow at present as I intend to patronise the Butter factory this season calculate to milk 14 cows at least I have that no now. I think you could buy very good cows here for about $45. The cost of shipping the stears from Burke is $14.40 for the two this is what the agt tells me at Burke. I paid on Marquis $7.50 the two will come a little less

Yours TrulyG B Smith

PS Let me know this week wheather you will take them or not as I shall commence feading them next week [Bent]

