Isaac Shepard to Harry Dwinell, 1866 January 28

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South Royalton Jany 28th 1866Cousin Harry

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after a long delay I will answer your kind letter I was verry sorry to hear of the death of your good Mother although She lived to a good old age She was a person I verry much esteemed I never enjoyed myself any better than when I visited her last You wrote that your Sister Sally was still deranged where is she now is there any provision made for her support or will the Town have to take care of her It is a great misfortune to her and her relatives her being crazy I always considered her a fine Girl You after our family Connections my Mother has been dead six years last July Father four years last June I have but one Sister

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alive Polly that married Horace Gould she lives with her Boys in Minasota Gould lives in Bridgwater V.t. Constant lives in Worcester Mass Plynna the youngest of the family lives in Monroe wisconsin He served a tour in the army got home to his family last August Uncle Thomas died two years ago last June So there is none of that family left but Aunt Polly Baker She remains insane is at Sharon poor house she has been quite feeble for some time Aunt Abigail Shepard was living with her daughter Betsey the last I heard from her Our oldest Son George was drowned at Beaver Dam Wisconsin last June left a family of five children We are in comfortable health at this time pleas answer this

Yours TrulyIsaac S Shepard

