Andrew Craig Fletcher to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher, 1865 July 5 and July 10

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Andrew Craig Fletcher to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher, 1865 July 5 Bellow Falls July 5 1865 Parents

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I now take my pen in hand to write you a few lines to let you know that I am enjoying good health & hope that my friends at home are enjoying the same blessing

I went to St Albons last Saturday came back monday staid here all day Mr [Cochrane] went to Springfield should like to have gone but had to tend office for comfort I am enjoying myself very finely this summer should like to see you all but cant tell when that will be can not be gone more than 2 days at a time & I would not give one cent to come home and not stay any longer than that

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Andrew Craig Fletcher to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher, 1865 July 10 Bellows Falls, July, 10, 1865Good morning Mother

I again seat myself this morning to write you a few more lines to let you know that I am well and hope that you all enjoy the same blessing my health news was better in my life should like to see you all but cant tell when that will be

I am enjoying myself first rate at present

I can think of no more to write this time

Yours with respectA.C. Fletcher

