Mary Harvey to Ruth Fletcher, 1855 July 30

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Danville July 30th 55Dear Aunt

as you requested me to write as soon as possible I will write a few lines we got to hydespark at halfpast 3 had a verry good visit and started for home at 7 the next morning Mr [Druinnel] comeing 20 miles with us to help us on our way, arived at home half past 6 Uncle was some tired but not sick think he stood it as well as could be expected the next day Mr Harvey carried him down to see Dr Morse which is a distance of about 4 miles instead of 2 the Dr says that he

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thinks that his hand may be eased in time but how long it will take it is impossible to tell he says that it is [         ] and that he shall have to see it as often as once in 4 days, I think that his ointment is the best in the country and all seem to think that if there is any case for it he will do it his hand has to be dressed 3 times a day it smells verry bad Mr Harvey got somewhat frightned about me for there was 2 horses run away while we were gone but no one hurt one was Elijah,s Mr Clarke and his wife were with him (the horse) but could not hold

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him & he run and threw them out and broke the waggon all to smash Mrs Gookin has got another daughter it was born tuesday I was in there saturday and while there she came down stairs with the babe in her arms as though nothing had happened they say that she was down stairs sewing the next day aint that smart Sophia only kept a girl a week Caleb says if there is not a load of that wood that Uncle Andrew may as well sell it has it is worth as much with you as here please excus mistakes for I am to tired to write


