Mary Harvey to Ruth Fletcher, 1852 August 8 and October 9

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Mary F. Harvey (?) to Ruth Fletcher, 1852 August 8

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Danville, Vt. Aug. 8th 1852Dear Aunt

you are waiting patiently for news from me and it was wrong in me to neglect writing so long but there has been considerable to do since I got home and have not had time only sunday and then I have been so tired that I did not feel like writing I have not felt very well since I got home but have been well enough to work hope I shall feel better before long the baby has not been so well as she was at your house her teeth trouble her a good deal it is a good deal of work to take care of her Levi is well it is rather sickly around here and it is very dry weather we have not had any rain to speak of for a great while

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Mary Porter is here with us now she has got able to work around the house and do some chores and sew some we have no other boarders and Cornelius has gone to Glover to work at the [boat] business so you see that my family is not large but I find enough to do

we had a very warm time coming home did not get to Hydes park till 1 Pm stopped till 5 and took supper at [ ] and put up for the night at 12 breakfast [ ] at home a little before 11

it was the warmest time that I was ever out in and we were tired enough when we got home

Mary [ ] Brown was married the 15th of July she had a splendid wedding.

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Elijah and his wife have been to Saratoga this they think that it has benefited the babe verry much it is not so troublesome as it was

Mother has gone to Concord Nh to A cold Mother establishment she writes that her health is improving

Mary F. Harvey (?) to Ruth Fletcher, 1852 October 9 Oct 9th

well it is time to finish this I should think Cornelius has been sick he came about 6 weeks ago was verry sick for 3 weeks is some better but not able to work he was taken with numbness in one finger it then spread over his body and even his tongue and for 2 weeks could not lift hand nor foot his pulse was as low as 80-85 the most of the time and so nervous a person I never see Lizzie is not very well and I am tired



Mr Andrew FletcherWatervilleVtDanville Vt.Oct 11

