Harriet Fletcher to Ruth Colton, 1837 May 29

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Waterville May 29 1837To my long lost friend R

I received yours last Tuesday read it with much pleasure was glad to hear that you was in the garden of Eden and had not gone to the South for I think that I shall have the pleasure of hearing from you and perhaps seeing you this summer--, As for my health it is about as it was the forepart of the Spring the last of April I went and see the Doctor he gave me a puke and saw he had gave me enough for four men to take and then gave me some physick to take if it did not operate down and I was obliged to take the physick--I suppose you want to hear from all the good folks here Mary [F] has took your old habitation this summer - Carmoline has got a fine Daughter and I must inform you that Edmund talks of getting [       ] Thomas to teach the school here in this district, I expect you will want to hear from C Colton is well and Mr [Polanis] people have got her a new Cloak and Bonnet--- Josiah Carpenter returned to his sweet heart.

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Capt Potter has sold his farm to E [Fullertson] Mr. Potter has gone to the West left his family in the house near Mr [Polanis] You wished to know if I was about commit matrimony, I should been entirely willing to of told you but I see you did not feel safe to in me and therefore I shall be careful sure and not write any thing that I shall have to cut out you was very [    ] sure and not mention Brother A name whether you had heard from him or not and therefore thought I would be on my guard give my respects to Mr D and the rest of the family I am in a hurry and I must draw to a close Maria sends her respects to you I do not feel I [ought]not to close and leave you in the dark about matter and things but I must do as I have been done by.

This from your sincere friendHarriet F

I should be glad to have you write and explain your self if you felt willing


Ruth coltonEdenVtWaterville VtMay 30th


