Moses S. Colton to Ruth Colton, 1834 August 10

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Royalton August 10th 1834Respected Sister

I now take this opportunity of writing to you to inform you of my health which is good at this time and hope these few lines will find you enjoying the same blessing. I have no news to write to you I have wrote home to Mother but have not had an answer you cannot tell how I long to see and hear from my children I am to work for Mr Phinehas Pierce at twelve dollars per month for four months I have seen Lemuel three or four times since I came here he is well and is [paddling] for the paper mill at eleven dollars per month he told me he should send you some money soon Give my respects to Clark and Susan Likewise to Lydia I want you to write to me as soon as you recieve this and let me know whether you have either Been or heard from Belvidere for I want to know how Mother and the children do and what their wants are Uncle Isaac Shepard and family are in good health Joseph [Furgeson] and Mary live in this town in a [    ] farm I have been at their house But did not see Mary she was at meeting she has three boys I have not heard from Zebina and family since I came here I hope to have a little more leisure now we have got through haying and harvesting I have been well and able to labour every day since I came here

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I should like to have you tell Mr Lynde that I want he should wait for his hay untill I come home which will be in October I have been to Hartford father [Catlers] family were all well I want if you see Eveline you should tell her that Grandfather Clark and Uncle Joseph have gone to the Ohio they are a going to send for their families this summer O my dear sister I cannot describe my feelings to you concerning my children when I think of them which is often verry often and know that I cannot see them and it is nothing but dire necessity that keeps me from them and hope through the mercies of God I shall be enabled to see them again. I have no more to write and so must draw to a close by subscribing myself

your ever affectionate Brother till DeathMoses S. Colton


Ruth ColtonJohnson VtTunbridge VtAugt. 11

