Justin Smith Morrill to Matthew H. Buckham, February 24, 1878

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United States Senate Chamber,
Washington, Feb. 24 1878
Prst. Buckham,
Burlington, Vt
My dear Sir: I have your enclosures
of copy sent to Prof. Seely, [&c] and much
regret that any ill-feeling should crop
out just at this time. There is nothing in
the program that appears warlike and
Prof. Collier will not in any public
utterance show any hostility. But if
there is lurking around any feeling of
general hostility to Burlington it will
try to make itself felt in whispers.
To counteract any such influence
you and some of the professors had

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better be present, not in a scolding mood,
but prepared to take some part and
render all possible aid in having
the occasion go off successfully.
Beat them in good humor and then
you will make the crowd your
friends whether that was intended
by those who arranged the affair
or not.
Very truly yours
Justin S. Morrill

