Justin Smith Morrill to Matthew H. Buckham, January 14, 1876

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United States Senate Chamber,
Washington, Jany 14, 1876
Prst M. H. Buckham
Burlington, Vt.
My dear Sir: The Burlington
Clipper of the 13 inst has been sent
to me (directed by the hand of Prof
Collier, I think) in which I find
the article by Mr. Jameson, with
comments by Mr. Hoskins in
the Watchman. I regret to see
determined purpose to make war
upon the Vt. Un. & State ag. Coll.
The reference to the modified views
of Prof. Collier about an endowment
of an industrial school, is very

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significant. If they are strong enough
they mean to get up a rebellion against
the college, and Jameson, with whom
I am unacquainted, appears to
know all the purposes of Prof Collier.
Perhaps the latter means no mis-
chief except to take care of
himself. He doubtless expects
to wield whatever power the
Grangers possess.
It would also appear that
the Middlebury College have lent
one of their professors to the
Board. So they mean to compete
a little. But I only write this
note hastily to let you see

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that my friend keeps me
Very truly yours
Justin S. Morrill

