Justin Smith Morrill to Matthew H. Buckham, November 25, 1890

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Washington, D.C Nov. 25th, 1890
My dear Sir:
Accept my thanks for your
telegram. I am rejoiced that the state has
been saved, at least for the present, from the
folly exchanging its College at Burlington
for a School in some town willing to bond
itself for $50,000 to put up a Mechanic's
shop and other buildings. You have a lease
for two years, and then, if the citizens of Bur-
lington only do what lesser towns will offer
to do in supplying these structures, the con-
test will be a light one compared with that
of the present year. You need a large workshop,

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and a large Military Hall for the winter's
drill--a part of which will also be
wanted for a gymnasium. Unless Burling-
ton promptly supplies these great wants
--in additon to obtaining a farm near
to the College--your contest will be renewed
with greater vigor in 1892. The Watchman,
and all those in agreement with it, will do
what they can to Boycott Burlington or to
persuade farmers not to send their sons there.
It must be demonstrated to our farmers that
Burlington is not only a good place to obtain
all they want, but the best place.
I confess that I have, since the vote of
the House, expected that Col. Hooker and
Mr. Messer would be victorious. I think that

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now there may be time to escape from
having in Vermont the poorest example of
all the institutions under the law of Con-
gress of 1862. It would have been a lasting
grief to me if the Vt. Senate had not ex-
hibited something of Vermont's old time good
Please return my pencil screed, and
I should be glad to have a copy of Dr.
Boynton's Report.
Very truly yours
Justin S. Morrill
Prest. M. H. Buckham,
Burlington, Vt.

