Justin Smith Morrill to Matthew H. Buckham, November 14, 1890

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Washington, D.C.
November 14, 1890
My dear sir:
I had only seen the proof
sketch of your argument before the Com-
mittee at Montpelier until yesterday
I found a full report in the Free-Press.
Had I seen that earlier I certainly
should not have sent you my screed
as you seem to have covered the whole
ground. I very much fear the result
will be that you will have a lawsuit

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on your hands, as the influence of the
Caledonian, Watchman, Middlebury
Register and Rutland Herald will be
likely to carry a good many votes in
their respective counties; and this with
the aid of nearly the entire Democratic
party will, I fear, enable the new organi-
zation in the State to push through
whatever legislation they may think proper;
and, of course, I do not expect that
Gov. Page would veto anything of this

