Frank G. Howland to Lillian Herrick Olzendam

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Barre Savings Bank and Trust Company.

Barre, Vermont, Oct. 21, 1919.

Mrs. L. H. Olzendam,
Woodstock, Vt.,

Dear Madam:

Replying to your favor of the 18th regarding your trip to
Burlington, would say that Mr. Hopkins, the representative from
Burlington, called me up the next day after you saw him, and
stated that probably Lieut. Governor Stone, yourself and possibly
others, might call on me in the near future, and while he consented
to be a member of that committee to you personally, he wished me
to state that he had changed his mind, and while he was in favor
of the session and would vote for the ratification, he wished me
to tell you that he did not want to appear as a member of the

I would like to inquire if your idea is that if we had a
special session that it should be without expense to the State
and if so, what method you had in mind regarding the payment of
such legislators as would forego their milege, etc?

Yours very respectfully,
Frank G. Howland


