Justin Smith Morrill to Matthew H. Buckham, October 25, 1888

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Strafford, Vt. Oct. 25, 1888
My dear Sir:
Thanks for your kind word
of the 22nd inst. If you are satisfied, I am
content. It subjected me to some labor when
my health was such that I could hardly af-
ford it, and will expose me to some sharp
criticisms, perhaps, but my sole desire was
to be useful to the state and University and
College. I hoped to disarm Middlebury and
the Vt. Watchman, but the latter I see is very
industrious in its daily admonitions to the
Legislature in regard to economy, and may

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soon break out in open hostility to the
Vt. University. It evidently supposes itself
the organ and director of Vermont farmers.
Still it was forced to speak well of the Ex-
periment Station work.
I much fear that you will in the
end not feel proud of the result, though
I have much faith in Gov. Proctor.
Very truly yours
Justin S. Morrill
Prst. M. H. Buckham,
Burlington, Vt.

