Lillian Herrick Olzendam to Frank G. Howland

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October 18th,1919

Hon.Frank G. Howland

My dear Mr. Howland:

Senator Stuart has written me that he expects
to be out of the state after November 9th, and will return for
two weeks in January. I give you this information in case you
wish to call upon him before that time. A good many of the
legislators with whom I have talked have said they would gladly
go to Montpelier in their own cars therefore I hope if we are to
have a special session it may come before our severe winter
weather sets in.

I got the signatures of several members of the House after
I saw you, among them being two former bitter opponents: Mr.
Mc Nally of Milton and Mr. Hopkins of Burlington. I found
five more signatures on my return, so that I have ten more than
on Wednesday. I had an interview with the Lieut.Governor
and think we may undoubtedly depend upon his support in case we
need it on a tie vote.

If you wish to have the petitions next week please let me
know soon as possible as I expect to be on my way most of the
week. Trusting that you may meet with success in
your mission, I remain,

Very sincerely yours,

