Justin Smith Morrill to Matthew H. Buckham, May 10, 1884

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United States Senate,
WASHINGTON, D.C., May 10, 1884
Dear sir:
I have your favor of the 8" inst.
and have to say that Connecticut
has done without any detail from the
Army of a teacher for six years and
the Secretary of War feels compelled
under the law -- as they have applied
for one - to give
an officer
to them this year.
The present law provides for the dis-
tribution as near as possible according
to population. I have, however, intro-
duced an amendment to the Sundry
Civil Bill increasing the number of

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officers subject to detail from 30 to
40, and am assured by members of
both the Committee on Military
Affairs and the Committee on Appro-
priations that they have no objection
to it, and that it will pass. If
it should the Secretary of War
intimates, as this would give to
each collegiate institution a teacher,
that he might gratify out wishes
to have Lieut. Tutherly remain.
Very truly yours,
Justin S. Morrill
Presd't M.H. Buckham,
Vermont Un. & State Ag. College,
Burlington, Vt.

