Justin Smith Morrill to Matthew H. Buckham, June 11, 1892

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United States Senate,
WASHINGTON, D. C., June 11, 1892
Dear sir:
I received from John Trimble
the enclosed action of the National
Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry
showing that "Brother A. Messer's" pro-
gramme has been adopted by the Grange
and that they will attempt to get some
action of Congress to aid them. I
send you a copy of my reply to Trimble
very hastily written, and I hope at
least to be able to prevent any action
on the part of the Senate. I hope the
position of the persons spoken of for

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Governor and Lieut-Governor of our State
will be understood. Genl. Kingsley
of Rutland, I see, is urged in some
papers for Lieut-Governor. You know
he voted to take away the land-grant
funds from the University. I should
hope better things of Mr. Stranahan,
and believe also that Col. Fuller will
be right on the subject, although I
never had any conversation with him
about it. The copy of my letter
to Mr. Trimble please return to me
although it is of no particular consequence.
Very truly yours,
Presd't M.H. Buckham,
Justin S. Morrill
Vt. Un & State Ag. College,
Burlington, Vt.

