Justin Smith Morrill to Matthew H. Buckham, March 16, 1882

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WASHINGTON CITY, March 16, 1882.
My dear sir;
I have your favor of
the 14th instant.
In reply I have to
say that I suppose it will
always happen that some young
men or their fathers will
fancy that a more complete
education can be had away
from than at home. At any
rate it is something different,
and the large number of
students and professors at
some colleges are an attraction;
the young men not knowing that

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even our modest educational
institutions teach more than
they can possibly have time
for during a four years' term.
If the funds of the insti-
tution will admit of it, I
should be very glad to have a
professorship of Agriculture
established. I very much
doubt whether any appropriation
could be obtained from the
Legislature to meet it, judging
by the past, as they have not
hitherto treated the college with
any generosity; and I suppose
anything looking in that direction
would be opposed by Middlebury.

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I do not know what
the cost of the Baxter land
would be, or how much you
would require. I should say
that it depended much upon the
expense. These Experimental Farms,
may possibly be managed with
economy, but it is very difficult,
and they are apt to swallow
up a large amount of funds.
I do not suppose that you would
really embark in the cultivation
of anything like 50 acres. If
you could have enough to carry
on some experiments with dif-
ferent crops it might be very
well, provided it was within
your means.

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This is all that occurs
to me to say now with my
present information.
Very truly yours,
Justin S. Morrill
Presd't M.H. Buckham,
Vt Un & State Ag. College,
Burlington, Vt.

