38 I Out in the Mountains, |Ju.ly'__.»2000_ Te gayity= This is an excellent opportu- nity to do something posi- tive for the g/l/b/t communi- ty and have an exciting, fun time doing it ! Experience in TV production is not required, if you are sincere and responsible we will be happy to train you for the positions needed. For more info: call Sharon Randall, Producer 802-849-2739 or email:lavender@together.ne t Still not sure? Check out our web page to learn more about the show ! www.together.net/~lavender (09/00) Employment Wanted V Relocating to Burlington August 1. Colby grad, expe- rienced Audio—Visual Technician, responsible and reliable worker. Handy with tools, excellent trou- bleshooting ability, extreme- ly creative. Will consider any employment opportuni- ty. Please email dyke2watchout4@chick- mail.com. (07/00) Services Offered V Looking for a great band for your Civil Union cele- bration? Here we are! Empty Pockets is rock and roll entertainment and FUN! Playing classic and current R&R, R&B, Empty Pockets will make you and your friends get up and dance! Covers by Eric Clapton, Bonnie Raitt, Beatles, Melissa Etheridge, and more! For information, please e-mail gladdouse@aol.com, or call 802-482-5230. (07/00) Groups V Sexual Compulsives Anonymous Group Forming in the Upper Valley! (12- step support group for peo- ple who are concerned about their compulsive sexual behavior). Every Monday, 6:30pm - 7:30pm, at ACORN, 578 Hartford Ave., White River Junction (Rt. 5 North). For more informa- tion, please contact Brian, at: (802) 439-6532, frog- gie@together.net (08/00) Announcements V Secrets Between Girls is a ‘zine of writing and art- work by young queer women. We’re seeking sub- missions for our upcoming August issue (vol. 5). The theme for this issue is jour- nal entries and letters. We also accept poetry, short fic- tion, essays, plays, and art (that will look ok photo- copied in black and white). Please send submissions to: Rhombus Gallery, 186 College Street, 2nd floor, Burlington, VT 05401, attn: Cathy Resmer. or email them to: cresmer@j uno.com (07/00) Services Offered Less than perfect credit? Curbside OH No You DON'T, NATHAN. You U'U.ST TURN AROUND AND Go. You ARE N01’ wELcorIE HERE! BACKOFF, KEVIN.’ I PAID MY RENT THIS MONTH, '1'. ‘ STILL LIVE HERE.’ Looking to purchase or refi- nance a home? We can help! Atlantic Mortgage Corporation has helped many Vermonters to realize their dream of home owner- ship. We work and live in Vermont, a local company that has hundreds of pro- grams for every situation. Self-employed, bankruptcy, foreclosure, no income veri- fication and yes, even pro- grams for people with great credit. Free telephone approval, free consultation, no application fee. Phone 496 2456 or toll free 888 809 1172. Web page: http://lender.homestore.com /atlanticmortgages. Atlantic Mortgage will gladly con- tribute $100 to VT CARES for every loan closed. (01/01) Living SItuatIons/ Land Offered V 1880 one room school- house overlooks Connecticut River in quaint Vermont town 2 doors down from world famous Rabbit l )) THIS IS BETIMEEN You AND ME.TE LL THE RGTTWEILER HERE TD (:0 SIT. —:sn'.#’.- wI.,'a 30.. A0 ;+? ‘:5'WH*"le. ’C' C’MoN DREW, IT'S A LR|6HT- IT'S OK, I HIs FACE AGAIN AFTER I'D CAUGHT I-IIM RED-HANDED IN BED WITH RAIN, IT HAS ATOSS of SE- WIIEEN WHETHER To KILL HIM orro GET THAT ALL—lM9oRTAN1' EXPLANA- TlON- I MANAGED To SUBLIMATE MY RAGE AND wen-r FORTHE E>,TI-IAT's KEVIN op. ME, N B BOYS You HE sAvs HE Do£s~'1' EVEN KNow NH‘! THEY DID IT. A CHANCE EN’ couIuTER ON SEVENTH AND FOURTH STREET LEAD FIRsT'ro CASUAL CoN- vER$A'rIoN AND THEN Tb COFFEE ‘ro- GETI-IER AT sone LITTLE CORNER CAFE. BELIEVE ME, I KNo\-4 How u?rI6H1' KEVIN 15- I WAS MARRIED To HIM FOR 5' Yg/\k$_ DAY AND MADE A MuTuAL D€Q\$l0N MA To NEVER Touci-I I=_A<.I-I on-IER AGAIN. BE THEY NEVER MEANT TO HURT EITHER READY Tb HEAR THE ANSINER TO THAT ATURALLV. BOYS NILL Quesnopq yer, KNON. ‘ ‘ IT'S OK, GAB!’-L.. oL' NAT!-IAN'S BAc.K.... LET IT ALL our .... .. Hill Inn. Phone 1-800-483- 8626 for info or e mail taflocks@jps.net (12/00) V One and only 95% Lesbian Owned Timeshare. 2 Bedroom Timeshare in the heart of P-town. 3 Hot tubs on premises, fireplace, full kitchen, with washer & dryer Asking $6,900.00 con- tact Cynthia at 802-863- 7422 between 8-4:30 Mon.- Fri. Or e-mail me at AEB99CCH@aol.com (07/00) BY ROBERT KIRBY www.comicazee.com BY ROBERT KIRBY RAIN wAs REAL Fo.IeNoLY, LEANING IN AND TOUCHING NATHAN AT EVERY (oNVENIeN1’ MOMENT, AND NATHAN STARTED GETTING A LI1-we TURNED oN. HE KNOWS RAlN'$ ALWAYS HAD A LITTLE cRusL| ON HIM. - M rues.’ Y SYMPAT 0 OK, //. —_.~_' '..\ So L||Es RAIN THERFJVE EN, AND How OFTEN. Bur I'M NOT l~ExPLIc 15 HOW-NINES5 3 UPEKCEDING NHATTYA WILLING To DoTo MAKE IT ALI. ELSE