June 2000 I Out in the Mountains [37 = gayity= classifieds Help Wanted VVermont Open Circle of Wicca & Wicce, Addison County’s foremost inter-tra- ditional Pagan organization, is experiencing unprece- dented growth and needs your help! Seeking commit- ted, motivated individuals to fill positions on Board of Directors. Work includes up to two organizational meet- ings per month in Middlebury. Option to work with Vermont Open Circle VT, 05753-1345. Let us know if you can help, whether in one ofthese posi- tions or otherwise: *Co-Director: Seeking a womyn or intersexual per- son to work with the male Co-Director. This leadership position is best filled by a legally-ordained Pagan Priestess. If not currently ordained, must be willing to participate in seminary course. *Treasurer: Seeking some- one with great budgeting knowledge of federal and Vermont law. Professional lawyer/attorney and/or experience with ACLU or similar group preferred. Experience with discrimina- tion and harassment cases a plus. Work isimost likely minimal, but emotionally rewarding. (08/00) V Care Manager. Magellan Behavioral Health is the country’s largest and most comprehensive behavioral years of psychiatric inpa- tient experience or post- graduate clinical experience to provide administrative and concurrent review for all levels of care. Additional responsibilities include con- ducting utilization review for managed care cases. Knowledge of DSM IV diagnoses, brief therapy and chemical intervention a must. We offer a competi- tive salary and comprehen- sive benefits. Interested can- didates should send resume Awareness League _ healthcare organization spe- (VOCAL) our and book-keeping skills to cializing in managed mental with salary requirements to: political/SO’Cial action c0m_ maintain our finances. health and substance abuse MBC/Magellan Behavioral mime, including public *Scribef ‘Seeking someone services. We currently have Health, 1? Roosevelt speaking on behalf of with writing and note—taking an opportunity available in Highway-Suite 200, skills to keep minutes of meetings and some other written works. Secretarial experience a plus, but not our Colchester, VT office for a Care Manager. Candidates must possess a MSW or Master’s in Colchester, VT 05446. Fax human rights. Possibility for (802) 6553080 (07/O0) financial compensation in future. E-mail a written inquiry to board@opencir- The Vermont Rainbow Cle faithweb com or Send it required. Psychology AND proper Connection Television pro- to ‘Vermont. O-pen Circle *Legal Consultant: Seeking licensure. Individual will gram is seeking volunteers ’ educated person with rely on their previous 5 for various crew positions. P.O. Box 1345, Middlebury, Dy1<;zs'I‘owatc’h Outfor byAlisonBec11del THE FEDS %iGGEiz's \ D£vo'rE£9 HAVE BEEN STOPPING , _,. .. ,-'.' . : __ ._ L|TTLE DID I mownwr wiio ARE was L0|S'5 OLD AFFINITY GROUP. rnzsz Ti£LA5TTHms I REMEM- .- " -. FIFTEEN YEARS LATER, N—L'lHFSE NHATAC-non ARE You PMIWNG BER c'HAiMiNG MYSELF 10 WAS “’Ji’ii; vET .. . I'D BE Tencuiile AT women HERE?THE on: maize you BLoa<- 5oWA’s NIPPLE RING. AND Is comma . ‘ BUFFALO LAKE STATE PETTING ADED THE wink, OR’lHE one EVEN THAT WA5 LONGERAGO . the sweet AT Two. 2 - AND STILL LIVING HERE. DIGER? E Yau CHANED 7oUR.sE4-vesT6 THAN I MPLAV, H —*’\"~.\ % [cf 7 ia>’ALi. .4 MORNING ~. To PAY OH. YEAH. THAT WAS IN I985. ‘FMEIR FNAL RIGHT BEEN?!-I I SMRTED GB/lb .- RESPECTS sCHooL AND MOVED IN wim SPARROW [inn LOIS. LOOK AT THAT DEW)’, uoreiu FACE. UH,GING£R?T HAVE ’ - I KEEPTELLING M‘/SELF, To co, Hon. CAN I DEATH is TUST CHANGE. son, I i>iv~'r EVEN ' pH,THAT WAS AFTERTHE 72 PRIDE MARCPLTH SE 60 To PRIDE ‘THIS ? QUEER NATION sncxzxs oUGu7’5 ? ’ T‘"T"°""5F°R’W’°“ .”° “FER ' 4 YEAR‘ D" V mro sowwmiuo ELSEU wane A BIT MORE ADHE- $ivE1’H/iil 1’ EXPETED. - “I. ENT cEizEMoN>’. . g < /A /, fl. -1 ft { - in '1’! 1 . 4 ii I INTERESTING cugics or wows. DR. LNJIZA 5 ALMY5 ouuils PEOPLE zvu. AND SPARE METRE LOFT)’ THEoR)’.‘IFl£ MDMAN SAY$ BUTESSENTIALLYSHE OFFERS THE SAME ‘ Tr-(ms. A RMSSUKING HOPDSEXUALITY 5 A BID- I ecrr THIS IDEA THAT .siiE'; THE women’: EQUIVALENT ‘ I'M WRITING A PAPER ABOUT ‘ ‘ A pk_iAUgA BUT ITHINK I'VE H1 SWEET CHEEK5-' “°‘/"5 FALLB‘ ’" "5- " F5E”"G . OF C”AMP'°NS"'P NRESWNG‘ ore D LOG! L ERRoiz!SHi: 35- 3149 WS, 1HEGA>/Acnvisrs U"'*"5RVA'=4’"°” G°”‘G7’ ' ' - '15 Um Y °‘8’%Ai§ovil>cyEdi~A$iiiEsA.i>. SPECTACLE °° CA Tizrwe-To err iise-r-/saw . —- ,_ PUUED ARE FA$ClSTS- MAY- . -r ' BETHKFEXPLNNS WHY I'M Afi1?ACTEl>‘rDB0THOF)’0U- . E‘ . LET ME WT iTTui WA‘/. /IJ‘FARA.S‘>'oo 0. H53 BEEN A GOOD KID, PR.LAURA. 4:1:-. ‘r-: r-:'_~ TAM DEPRAVED. I PAID $3516 Looi(ATTHo6E NAKED PICTURES or HERONTHEWEB. 1' SHOULD BE PUNKHED I Iwiriil LiviNGi1JI1’s4r‘\YB0¥FP-IEND.P12-LAUR _ " No. lT'5 3’u.vrA CHAR- ACTER DE FECT! I'M AN EVILDOER! SPANK ME. DR. LAURA.’ ‘ . come ,. on. DDTHE RIGHT Tumma M SHE'S THE FIPM FARE rm THE WEATHFUL Den’ ITHE lX'JMlNATiZl>( NE ALL EARN FOR AND F:/\iz.i.ii-'i.=couL1> _ ' BE So SIMPLE.’ * ANVHON. DR. LAURA'S MEANTD EVERYONE.’ EVEN HHEN HER CALLER: ASSURE HERTHEWRE THEIR Kl9S'LAWFULL‘/ wE1>i>i;i> --* MOM, SHESHAMES AND BELITTI-E.\"lHEM.' ' i ,. ,, r, ~ RENéE, DON'T MARK)’ . A POT SMOKER- .... THAT'S izipicuwus. BUT’ we HAVE A RING AND A DATE. wE'r2E BEST ;‘ i=RiENi>5,DR. LAURA.