ALTERNATIVE 101: BY HEATHER K. PEAKE A therapy that involves wearing jewelry: what could be finer? Gemstone therapy, also called crystal thera- py, is based on the idea of interrelatedness, or correspondence. Gems and crystals are formed through the pressures ofthe earth over millions of years; proponents of gemstone therapy believe that this energy is absorbed into the structure of the stone itself, and then reflected outward when it comes within the body’s aura, calming and healing it. Gemstones have been used for healing for hundreds of centuries. New Age spiritualists trace the origins back to civilizations ofAtlantis and Lemuria, but it appears in the historical record in ancient Egypt, where priests used stones such as lapis lazuli, turquoise, and car- AMETHYSTI spiritual upliftment BLUE AVENTURINEI improves circulation CARNELIANZ balances creativity and logic. CITRINE: upliftment DIAMONDS increases personal clarity. EMERALDZ physical and emotional healing GREEN FLUORITEZ hormone balance JADEZ relaxation MALACHITE: harmony OPALZ seeing wider possibilities RUBYI opens the heart to love SAPPHIRE: promotes mental clarity TURQUOISEE spiritual transcendence AQUAMARINEI reminder of the “ocean of love and mercy.” CORAL: strengthens one’s emotional foundation. GARNETZ improves vitality, increases prosperity and generosity MOSS AGATEZ helps get in touch with nature LAPIS LAZULII calms mind, protects body’s energy field PERIDOTZ helps develop a discriminating judgment ROSE QUARTZ: promotes emotional balance TOPAZZ strengthens and aligns the will and the body TOURMALINEZ promotes strength and stimulation nelian. Gems are mentioned throughout the Old and New Testaments. They were used in many Eastern religions both for healing and prophecy. And, of course, the symbolic use of gems can clearly be seen in the legacy of birthstones and folklore. There are several ways to use gems and crys- tals for healing. You can have a practitioner give you an attunement by placing specific stones on the body’s energy, or chakra, spots. If you choose to explore the therapy alone, you can practice grid patterning — placing them around you as an aid to meditation. For example, one common practice is to arrange pointed crystals around you in a circle with the points facing inward, keeping a large “generating” crystal in the center with you. A much simpler approach to gemstone therapy is to simply keep crystals or stones in your environment, or wear them against your body in the form of bracelets, OOI.IOIIIIIOIOIOUIICCOCOCICCCIIUOIIIOIICCCCCOCCUC COMMON STONE USES Different stones have dif- ferent properties and energies and therefore stimulate dif- ferent reactions in the body (a partial list of the more com- mon stones and their uses appears in the sidebar). Healing experts recommend choosing stones without cracks or inclusions, and warn against purchasing any irradiated or dyed stones. Most suggest that care of stones include frequently washing them in pure water and setting them in sunlight to recharge and reenergize them There are no known side effects associated with gem- stone therapy — except, of course, a depleted bank account. A resident of Vermont for most of her life, Heather Peake currently resides in Sed0na,AZ.V Montpelier 229-5220 NMC :_..;_ N(J%(I'ihV(;‘S‘3‘liRN lV‘ll2DlC»\1. Dr. Mara Vijups Dr. Erin Rhoades NMC RURAL HEALTH SERVICES Specializing in Family Practice insurance accepted COUNSELING CENTER or NORTHERN VERMONT Burlington 860-6360 JOSIE JUHASZ, MA Lic. Psychologist - Master LYNN GOYETTE, MS, MA Lic. Clinical Mental Health Counselor BILL McBROOM, MSW Lic. Clinical Social Worker sliding fee scale Ale Caring for patients of all ages 5 W A N T o N 868-2454 A L B U R G 797-4414 ENOSBURG 933-5831 KAISER PERMANENTE Puore: 802/524-9595 FAX: 802/524-2867 Carol Thayer, M.D. PO Box 1160, RD2 ' Fairfax. VT 05454 June 2000 | Out in the Mountains I25 ——= health & we-IIbeing= Michael Gigante, Ph.D. Psychosyn thesis Counseling, Psychotherapy, 8' Consultation (802) 254-8032 53 Myrtle St., Brattleboro, VT 05301 email Earthlight Healing Arts INTEGRATIVE PSYCHOTHERAPY Anya Raven Hunter, MA. ABMP. MSW (formerly Theresa Bacon) healing imagery & Reiki 0 stress management holistic & body-centered psychotherapy 802/862-693l Burlington sliding fee scale Janet Langdon, M. Div. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Pastoral Counseling Individuals <3: Couples River Road, Putney, VT 05346 802-387-5547 Maryanne Southarn Doctor of Oriental Medecine Licensed Acupuncturist (NM #496) Chinese Herbalist Licensed Massage Therapist (NM #384) 47 P.O. Box 52 (802) 586-7793 Craftsbury, VT 05826 = fl Feminist Therapy 7 Leah Wiitenberg Licensed Mental Health Counselor Psychotherapy for individuals and couples 2 Church Street sliding fee scale (802) 658-9590 €Xt 4 Susan McKenzie MS. Licensed Psychologist—Master Experienced therapist specializing in the individual and relationship issues of Lesbian Women and Gay Men Quechee 802 295-5533 insurance Accepted-Sliding Fee Scale BOB GREEN M.A. LICENSED CLINICAL MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELOR (302) 658-2390 (sou) 330-5025 South Burlington Individuals and Couples