l 12 I Out in the Mountains |Ju|y 2000 = opinion = The Price of Silence BY Jos1~: PERRAULT Looking back on my grade-school years, I can recall instances in which certain classmates were picked upon by their peers. I now realize how children can be cruel to the point of mentally injuring someone with words alone. Fortunately, we all matured and put this behind us. Periodically, certain images from our school years creep up for a fleeting moment — like in the middle of the night, for instance. The trauma suf- fered in school was miniscule. It was temporary. We all grew up. Looking back in history, what first appeared as a grassroots movement in Germany went a little further. A tyrant came to be by spreading what was thought to be important (and truthful) information. A groundsweil of support caught on and spread like wild fire on the prairie, Before everyone caught on, it was too late. This evil leader had con- veyed (using his freedom of speech) that Jews were not worthy. You know the rest of the story. Other countries realized and reacted late in the game. This too came to pass, but the damage was irreparable. We all grew up. History has a funny way of repeating itself, or so it seems. Here in Vermont we have a legislator starting a grass- roots movement with what she believes to be important (and truthful) informa- tion. I wouldn’t say that there is a groundsweil of support — yet. However, all the ingredients are there. This legis- lator is misusing freedom of speech to plant the seeds of hate. I wonder if, this time, it will be temporary. I also wonder what kind of damage will result. A quote from C.S. Lewis GLBT population is choosing to ride this one out so as not to disturb a per- son’s right. Yet I am totally confused when this same population gets all stirred up when Fred Phelps visits our state. They want to do everything they can to counter his claims that gays are vile, etc. This legislator is misusing freedom of speech to plant the seeds of hate. I wonder if, this time, it will be temporary. seems apropos here: “Of all the tyran- nies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppres- sive. It may be better to live under rob- ber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who _tonnent us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their consciences.” _ On the other side, a complacent Why are we picking on Fred and not this legislator? After all, Fred is here once in a while, whereas this legislator is in our state 24/7. Thus far, Fred has not made a major impact on Vermont. He’s not the one I worry about at this point. I am more worried about some- one that does have impact here in Vermont: someone that can affect my quality of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. Yes, we could take away this legisla- tor’s freedom of speech. That, of course, would not remedy the situation. To properly counter and diffuse a forth- coming hailstorm of hate and igno- rance, the GLBT community and our friends need to be ever so dedicated to taking a proactive stance. The only cure for ignorance is education. The com- munity needs to aggressively respond to the likes of this legislator as well as anyone else who spreads fear and hatred. The answer is education. ‘I am reminded of a bumper sticker that says it all: ‘‘If you think education is expen- sive, try ignorance.” If we don’t choose to answer the call of ignorance, then we could be considered one ingredient in the making of this grassroots move- ment. is this not what happened in Germany? We are all at thejunction of the road where we have to choose which way to go. In other words, we can determine what our history will be before it has happened — or before it’s too late. lt’s time we all grew up. Jose Perrault was raised and still lives in Newp0rl.V ‘ VermontCivilUnioncom Wm; ’re one click awayfiam Complete Civil Union é’ lmvel Planning ” .Di1'zir1g Shopping Attractions Ente1:tain.mem: * Lic:en.se Requirements * Clergy JPE Florists Ca.terers ’-‘ Fbatagraphers Real Estate Sites Every/thing Hm Need 7?) Say, “I DO! ”