have stated quite loudly that they are going to obtain out- side help to demolish the civil union bill. She’s basically admitted that she’s incapable of making decisions on her own. Strike One. Also, Ms. Dwyer has basi- cally stated with her actions that she will belittle and out- cast anyone who is different and doesn’t think the way she does. Can you say Hitler? Strike Two. lf Ms. Dwyer becomes gov- ernor, is she going to have to ask another state how to run Vermont? If so, we can say goodbye to Vermont as we know it and say hello to Connecticut #2, Massachusetts #2, California #2....Strike Three, you’re out! Dean Pratt Burlington Pride kudos On behalf of PlanetOut and me personally, l want to extend a huge thank you to the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgen- der commL1nity of Vermont for your warm reception of PlanetOut at this year’s Pride festivities. . l was energized by the beau- ty of Burlington and the warmth of the people. Congratulations on your groundbreaking Civil Union Law. It was dynamite to be able to join in this year’s par- ticularly special celebration and to speak with several cou- ples who met on PlanetOut and plan to “tie-the-knot” in the near future. I snapped some fun shots; they can be found on PlanetOut’s Pride site (www.pride.planetout.com). Bryce Eberhart California Not all narrow l’d like to take issue with an assumption that I see in Kevin Moss’ letter in the June issue. While I certainly agree that it’s not ok for non—queer folk to tell queer folk what is best for their lives, I disagree that [all] “straight people have such a sense of arrogant entitlement” that they [all] want in on civil unions. Yes, there are opposite sex couples who would like to have the civil union option, but it’s not necessarily because they feel entitled to it. It’s because they, too, fought long and hard for their GLBT friends to have the benefits and responsibilities they had open to them through marriage. It’s because, if given the choice, they would prefer to be a part of a new institution that carries with it the acknowledgement of diversity and affirms the same-sex couples they know and love and fought for, rather than be a part of an old institu- tion that carries with it the specter of oppression. There are also opposite-sex couples in which one or both are bisexual. Should they have to choose an institution that would exclude them if their partner were of the same sex Ietemmk MB covered Brio?“ ‘M 8: Pull Sinai Sup New wmws Fair Siieml Wimsr Expedition M8 because they are currently excluded from the institution specifically created to acknowledge them if that were true? I’m bi- and queer and an active member of the GLBT community regardless of the sex of my partner. What I want is a legal option that would acknowledge and be open to all my possible partners, not two institutions that each dis- criminate against me in their own ways. Because marriage has so much “traditional” bag- gage, I would prefer that option to be civil union. So, while some of those “straight” folks do want “in” for the wrong reasons, don’t assume that all of them are being arrogant rather than wanting to make a supportive statement, or even that all of them are straight... Carolyn Ashby Burlington V Subscribe to Out in the Mountains, Verrnont’s forum for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues, and stay connected. Enjoy the convenience of delivery to your door (in an envelope), and also have this informative monthly sent as a gift. Support your community newspaper today! UT IN THE MOUNTAINS June 2000 | Out in the Mountains [9 = Ie tters =- » ‘¢‘-‘val: _ ‘ «=2. '>":.‘\:"'; I Aaesnueaemweovim River Co-op... How to design ..__. V‘. . -._v-_,--,-’»&o- . . ‘i H . . . . I 0\ \ Wsit the Co-op’s produce department ;_ and choose a base of cool, dark greens. Add dramatic contrast with warm, vibrant reds and purples. Highlight your colors with an all-natural dressing, and admire the beauty of your design. For fresh ideas, visit the Onion River Co-op. A community ?0 market featuring natural foods, supplements, and gourmet specialties. 274 N. Winooski Ave. Burlington, VT 802-863-3659 Open 9-9 every day THE COMPANY L_\®/ CONGRATULATIONS VERMONT CELEBRATE WITH PRIDE WE'LL BE CELEBRATING TOO KEN KAUFMAN AND JEFF OTEY 802 — 228 - 2288 30 DEPOT STREET LUDLOW, VT 05149 tel: 802 228 2288 °fax.' 802 228 8222 0 TOLL FREE: 888 613 5626 Tr—::::::—::———:—2——:::————:::——:::—:——::1 D Payment enclosed Cl 2 years ($35) C] l year ($20) Cl low income ($|O) 7°” name D Please bill me later address D Additional Contribution ' _ $ j__ (Thank you!) city state Zlp Make checks payable to email phone Mountain Pride Media RO. Box I078 Richmond, VT 05477 p. (802) 434-6486 f. (802) 434-7046 send gift to subs@mountainpridemedia.org addréss www.mountainpridemedia.org W ‘W9 “P W LT IN THE MOUNTAINS published by email phone .1 2 years ($35) J I year ($20) .1 low income ($l0) Ru/cs rm’/hm/tIIi1z'.vIii' /)1:/k r/4*/i\'r’/_\'. ('unIui'I lt.\'_/ill‘ III/ll’l' Iiirlililru I‘(lI(’.\‘. \l U H II l 2! i n l’ I‘ i Li 1‘ M 4.‘ (l l ‘(I