8 | Out in the Mountains |July 2000 -= letters: ITM, I'll Box W78, Illcnmnnd, VT lI5477-llI78 Ill‘ Eilllnr@muunlainurIilemeIlia.nI'u Out in the Mountains welcomes your letters. withhold names from printing upon request, Although we will the letter must be accompanied by a verifiable name and address in order to be considered for publication. space and clarity. policy stated in the masthead. Deon support off base I am writing to express my deep disappointment in the recent fundraising letter from Vermonters for Civil Unions, Inc. effectively endorsing Governor Howard Dean in his bid for reelection. Their call to make qualifying contributions to Dean’s campaign smacks of pandering and a desire to maintain the privilege of the few rather then seek justice for all..Gov,ernor Dean has clearly stated on any number of occa- sions that he does not support marriage rights for all people and that he does support main- taining an unjust, two-tiered apartheid system in which those of us who are deemed to be abnormal are not to be treat- ed equally under the law. I must admit that I have had suspicions for some time that the leadership of the Freedom to Marry Task Force (now con- veniently renamed Vermonters for Civil Unions) was more interested in gaining economic privilege and access to power then seeking justice. Their let- ter confirms my opinion. To endorse Governor Dean for reelection based on his closet- ed signature of a severely com- promised bill, without looking at his real positions on gay marriage and other issues of concern to the progressive community, is short-sighted and wrong. Gaining the economic rights and responsibilities of mar- riage through civil unions does not reduce homophobia, end violence against queer folk or educate the general population about the worth and dignity of every human being. What it does do is" create more busi- ness for lawyers. I note with irritation the recent column in Out in the Mountains written by Susan Murray and Beth Robinson advocating the pur- chase of legal prenuptial agreements placed right next to an advertisement on the same subject bought by Susan and Beth’s law firm, Langrock, Sperry and Wool. It appears that “justice for all” is less important then the opportunity to make a buck (or lots of bucks). Governor Dean signed the bill because he knew that he had no choice — he was locked in because he said on day one that he did not support gay marriage but did support domestic partnerships. If Dean could have avoided this issue, he would have. Let us not kid ourselves. If the people running Vermonters for Civil Unions want to pander to Governor Dean so they can retain access to the “man in charge,” so be it. But I will not support this travesty — I will work to smash the patriarchy and the privilege that goes with it. Then, and only then, will all people live in honor and dignity. Governor Dean has proven that he’ll only support us when he’s trapped or it’s convenient. For example, his recent inter- view with OITM where he vir- tually begged the queer com- munity to support him over Anthony Pollina is simple, pathetic fear-mongering. He feels trapped and he comes to us for help. It’s truly depress- We reserve the right to edit for Letters are also subject to the editorial ing to see the privileged elites of the GLBT community and the privileged elites of the Democratic Party falling all over themselves in an effort to suck up to one another. The Governor should be ashamed of himself for attempting to scare queer folk and progres- sives into voting for him. The LGBT community, and the sub-set known as “Vermonters for Civil Unions,” should take a hard look at our goals — do we real- ly want to become simply‘ another cog in an oppressive social and economic system or do we want to work for a world where those who have been ignored, patronized, beaten, killed, shut out and starved out will finally have a voice? I know my answer: I am voting for hope, not fear. I will be supporting Anthony Pollina for governor. Christopher Kaufman Editor is note: The place- ment of the referenced ad was not requested or influenced by the columnists or their firm. Dwyer strikes out I’ve got to hand it to Ruth Dwyer, who is running for the top position in the state. I believe that if someone feels strongly enough about some- thing, they should go for it. However, let’s check the qualifications of Ms. Dwyer. She is running for governor of Vermont, which means she has to have the ability to make decisions on her ‘own. Ms. Dwyer and her “followers” My God, it’s just as we feqrecl...m<2n in strange. outfl ts qre lined up at 'l'he_.Town Clerks Office _/’( George! 1ha+'s jus+ HM. Shriners practicin For -th¢- July 45"’ pqrada . f Li Rooo vurftuae-tztr la!‘